Yes! I shave my face.

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Face shaving or professionally called dermaplaning. Now, I would have never thought In a million years I would be uttering these words but YES I shave my face.

If you haven’t heard of it well it’s a thing or it’s been popular for a couple of years. I Came across face shaving about 2 years ago and it really intrigued me and wanted to give it a try.

I just want to clearify I did a lot of research online and watched many tutorials and reviews before I jumped in on the face shaving wagon.

What is it exactly? It is not the typical razor we are used to seeing. It is a single sharp long razor that is used dry on the skin.

What does it do?

Face shaving is the best thing you can do to your face it removes unwanted hair peach fuzz and dead skin. Your face it left silky smooth and trust me when I say makeup application goes on flawless.

Most importantly the benefits of face shaving is the exfoliation your doing to your skin. Dermatologist do this professionally in their offices but honestly who has the time to go or the money!

Misconception of face shaving:

The Most asked about question is, “will my hair grow back quicker and coarser?” No, I can personally vouch for that because this is exactly what came to mind. Your hair grows back like if you had waxed or thread your face. You won’t get new unwanted hair, it’ll just grow back to its normal state. I usually shave twice a month.


Your skin must be clean prior to shaving

Use the razor on dry face

Hold skin taught while shaving

Best time to shave is at night (because the skin can get slightly red and to give it time to heal)

The razor is good for 3/4 uses but make sure you sanitize it with alcohol with each use.

DO NOT use acids afterwards it will sting like crazy!

DO NOT use if you have acne prone skin you don’t want to increase the inflammation of the acne or spread it and cause infection.

Be cautious not to get close to your eye area. The skin is thinner and very sensitive around that area.

There are many razors sold out there now but the one I’ve tried and find gives me the best shave (affordable) is the Twinkle razors I bought from Amazon two years ago. There are other designs that have come out which are of higher price point being sold at places like Sephora. I haven’t tried these types of razors but would love to as a comparison one day.

So, I definitely recommend face shaving for a couple of reasons, first it’s very convenient and quick, it has skincare benefits and it’s affordable.

Disclaimer: This is from personal experience and I do not claim I am a professional.

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Reading Time: 3 minutes