Skincare For Beginners

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Thinking of starting a skincare regimen but overwhelmed with the amount of skincare products available in the market these days. You are not alone. The beginning of my skincare journey was so overwhelming I didn’t know where to start.

I just had my second child and did not have the time for my monthly facial like I did before having my babies (being a mom was my number one priority and honestly sleep was my second priority, as any mom would relate) but my skin was taking a toll (dull, congested skin).

I started searching online and discovered the YouTube beauty community. From there on I started watching and reading beauty reviews and little by little discovered what skincare products should be used. As much as I was intrigued but wasn’t committed enough to purchase full priced items without testing them out. This is where I discovered skincare sets. In my opinion the best way to start with skincare is purchasing sets. This way you can get a feel of the product, some products you can get an immediate result. What I like about sets like these you get deluxe size samples that can lasts you for months for example masks, eye creams, oils and serums. Sephora (this is where I purchase the majority of my skincare and makeup) always puts out their “Sephora favorites” sets from all categories (lip sets, hair care, perfume, a mix of everything and skincare) take advantage of these sets to discover you’re favorites. Hurry because these sets (usually skincare) sell out quickly. So here are a couple of Sets I’ve tried and bought the full size and recommend.

Also, before purchasing anything always read reviews. Personally, over the years reviews have helped me on deciding if I wanted to purchase a product. A review can break or make the deal for me. So, make sure you read or watch reviews on products you are thinking about getting. If you want to get an in-depth review on a certain product (ingredient+ professional review from a person that knows what they are talking about because it’s their job) check out my favorite bloggers/YouTubers.

Caroline Hirons


Important note: The products I mention like the Sunday Riley and Drunk Elephant have glycolic and lactic acid (which make you’re skin sensitive to the sun). So please remember to wear you’re sunscreen, never leave home without it (this is a motto I live by). And always read the directions on how to use the product.

Another important note: consult you’re dermatologist before you start any skin regimen if you have skin issues like rosacea or acne or if you’re pregnant please consult you’re doctor. These are very important things to consider before venturing into skincare products.

I love Sunday Riley good genes it is my holy grail product. I have repurchased the good genes so many times I decided to go for the largest bottle. This beauty wasn’t cheap but worth the money for how it made my skin look. Sunday Riley has some amazing sets you can try before you dig deep into your pockets and commit.

Fresh is another great brand to try out the nectar mask is amazing. I tried sample size of both. It is on my list for future purchases so is the cleanser.

If you want to splurge. I definitely recommend this set. You can’t go wrong you have the top selling products for Drunk Elephant line. They are tried and true for me. I have this set in full size.

This set by Clinique is amazing if you’re skin is dehydrated or if you have combination skin. This is also great for the summer time (you still need to moisturize in the summer). It comes with a full size moisture surge.

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Reading Time: 3 minutes